Bedford Township Board of Supervisors
Gregory L. Crist – Chairman
814-623-2605 home
814-979-0502 cell
Elected: 11/2013 6 Yr. Term
End of Term 1/1/2026
Dean H. Shuller – Vice-Chairman
814-623-5290 home
814-285-1037 cell
Elected: 11/2021 6 Yr. Term
End of Term 1/1/2028
Ricky P. Fetter – Supervisor
814-623-7356 home
814-285-1036 cell
Elected: 11/2023 6 Yr. Term
End of Term 1/1/2030
The Bedford Township Board of Supervisors will hold public meetings on the first Tuesday and third Tuesday of the month at 4:00 pm. except for Thursday, November 7, this meeting will be held at 4:00 pm. Anyone wishing to listen to the meeting may call 667-770-1257 and when prompted enter the code 560590#
Bedford Township Staff
Janie L. McMillen – Secretary/Treasurer
Dorine M. Smith – Assistant Secretrey
Patty Tokarcqyk
Kayla Thompson
Allison & Rickards Att. at Law
102 West Penn Street
Bedford, PA 15522
Rodney Bartholow- Foreman
Stephen Myers
Jacob Raymond
Riley Steinbuch
GHD Engineering
321 Washington Street
Huntingdon, PA 16652
Kevin Hartman
Ryan Calhoun